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This page is a list of events related to Cookie☆ in chronological order.
William Shakespeare is born. His exact date of his birth is unknown, but it is recorded that he was baptized as a Christian on April 26 of the same year.
Shakespeare published his comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream premiered.
April 21
First year of the SWK calendar. SWK is GOD.
July 26
Yumi Matsutoya's single "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is released. There is a theory that this is the original meaning behind Inmu, not Shakespeare's work, due to the production period of the porno and the age of the staff.
November 3
ZUN published the first work of Touhou Project, Highly Responsive to Prayers. This later became a series of works known as Kyousaku, which led to the Touhou series that continues to this day.
July 20
"Manatsu no Yo no inmu" is released.
December 12
NicoNico is launched.
February 15
Cookie☆ ([Touhou Collaborative Video Project] Marisa and Alice's Cookie Kiss) is released
February 17
The OG Cookie☆ was tagged with Inmu.
October 14
The oldest otoMAD that used Cookie☆ materials, "Fighting homos [Fighting people]" is posted by Setji P. Since then, more and more sound MADs of Cookie☆ were posted.
October 24
An article on "Cookie☆" is created in the Nico Nico Encyclopedia.
October 30
Hit☆Gomi posted "Reimu so Cookie☆". This video received a considerable reaction on Niconico, and the existence of Cookie☆ became widely recognised. This led to an increase in the number of Cookie☆ content creators, and the establishment of Cookie☆as a MAD subject.
December 1
Yamin posted a video of herself falling on a stove
December 4
Hazuna Rio sent an apology email to the voice actress
December 5
Hazuna Rio retired from that identity.
October 19
2gou began posting.
Janurary 1
Cookie☆☆ S2 ([Touhou Project] New Year Project! [Voice Drama]) was posted
December 24
Cookie☆☆ S3 (Touhou project) Christmas project! 2013 [Voice drama]) was posted
June 28
Kusso☆S1 (Touhou Early Summer Voice Drama) was posted
December 2
Kusso☆S2 ([Touhou Voice Drama] the reimu's happy holidays) was posted
Jikomujun began posting.
August 15
Choco Heart☆ ([Voice Drama] Reimu and Marisa's Chocolate Heart) was posted
January 30
Kusso☆QVC ([Kusso☆] Reimu and Marisa chewing chocolate☆Mouth-to-mouth challenge) was posted
First Hisui boom
2gou announced retirement and his last accounts were abandoned (2gou, speder2.)
May 10
Easter☆ ([Voice Drama] Marisa and Alice's Easter Egg Hunt) was posted
Shiriri began posting.
Octover 7
The Blastoise Hisui Series began.
Nisu began posting
Remmuh began posting
March 1
Fake NYN appeared
November 23
Turkey☆ (Touhou Thanksgiving! Voice drama project) was posted
May 14
KussoKuri☆ ([Touhou Voice Drama] Kuso/Marisa and Reimu's Christmas Party) was posted
Cookie☆ Freezing Festival occurred, an incident where many Cookie content creators and voice actors saw their Twitter accounts frozen in quick succession with DMCA false notices. It continued until September.
June 6
Gorgonzola☆ ([Touhou Hell Video Project] Marisa and Alice and Root Vegetables with Gorgonzola) Posted
Remmuh disappeared.
September 23
Shiriri set up CTV☆ on Cytube, streaming Cookie contents all 24 hours.
November 8
It became increasingly suspected that Shiriri had an old identity of Kenma P.
December 5
Shiriri retired after his old identity was revealed and caught the attention of Hasekara.
February 15
Cookie☆ 10th Anniversary
Self-Contradiction☆([Cookie ☆ Voice Drama] Marisa and Alice’s Self-Contradiction☆) is posted.
October 12
Fight☆([Touhou Voice Drama] Reimu and Marisa's Fantastic Fight) is posted.
February 15
An MMD version of Kusso☆S1 is posted.